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Член Ассоциации


Chairman of the Board
Turadjanov Almakhon Yusupdjanovna

Правление банка:

Chief accountant - Urmanova Feruzakhan Numanovna

Ссылка на сайт:

Open Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Hamkorbank" carries out its activities in the banking sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since 1991.

“Hamkorbank” ensures the maintenance of stable growth and profitability through long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with customers across the country through a wide network of branches. The bank aims to have a skilled, loyal, productive and cohesive team, focused on financial results in order to ensure the future of not only the organization but also their families, and thus increase the welfare of the country as a whole.

The Mission of the Bank

Serve a stable, steady development of the bank as a universal financial institution being competitive, mobile, cost-effective and attractive to investors and customers.

The Strategic Goal

Become the best bank partner for real business; consolidate among the leading banks in the country.

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