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Член Ассоциации

Рейтинг банка:

uzА (Стабильный)


Chairman of the Management Board
Mansurov Surat Marifovich

Правление банка:

First Deputy Chairman                                           Tuychiev Jaborkul Istamovich

Chief accountant                                                   Alimov Murad Usmanovich

Ссылка на сайт:


(+998 71) 252-72-21


(+998 71) 254-19-91



100060, г. Ташкент, ул. Сайид Барака, 78

Date of establishment of the bank:

  • May 12, 1994, June 22, 2006 converted to Uzbek-German joint-stock commercial bank "Savdogar", based on the decision of the meeting of CBU, №16/5 from June 8, 2012, renamed into Open Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Savdogar" with participation of foreign capital.


  • License of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan №42 banking operations from April 30, 2009.
  • General license of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan №43 for currency transactions from April 30, 2009.

Membership in associations, payment systems and exchanges:

The Bank is:

  • member of the Uzbekistan Banking Association;
  • Republican member of the Stock Exchange;
  • member of the Fund "Guarantee deposits in banks";
  • Member of the international payment system SWIFT Bank is the operator of the International Money Transfers “WesternUnion”, “Anelik”, “Interexpress”, “Migom”, “Contact”.

Auditor of the Bank: Subsidiary auditing firm "PricewaterhouseCoopers".

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