Center to initiate the syndicated crediting set up in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 7, 2007, №PD-726 "On measures for further development of banking system and implication of available assets to the banking turnover."
In accordance with the objectives set in the above decree, the Centre developed the Regulation "On the center to initiate the syndicated credit," which detailed services and how they are implemented and cooperation with commercial banks.
Each made up regulations for the implementation of the syndicated crediting, refined the procedure and rules for the development of such documents as business plans for investment projects in sectors of the economy, feasibility studies, technical design and so on.
Also signed a general agreement with "Qishloq Qurilish bank ", " SAVDOGARBANK ","Asaka " “Uzsanoatkurilishbankom","Halkbank"," Microcredit "," Ipotekabank "," Turon "," Capitalbank " and the bank of " Credit Standard " for implementation services related to the organization and the conclusion of the syndicated credit agreements and to establish the Syndicate .
Continuing professional consultation in commercial banks for a treaty with the Borrower, syndicated and the treaty establishing the syndicate.
More than 200 specialists of commercial banks have been trained at the Center organized seminars and conferences on syndicated lending.
Given that syndicated credits related mainly to large investment projects, along with the work being done with banking professionals need at this stage to continue the preparatory and outreach to customers of banks.
In this regard, the Centre for the initiation of the syndicated loan and the Uzbekistan Banking Association planned activities for publicizing materials related syndications in the media.