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Tashkent, 100027, Shayhantaur district, st. Asadullah Khodjaeva, 1,

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from February 7, 2011, №PD-1474 "On the State program "Year of small business and private entrepreneurship", and the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 16, 2011, №175 "On the establishment of the Fund financing of the project documentation for investment projects under the Uzbekistan Banking Association" Fund established funding the preparation of project documentation for investment projects under the Uzbekistan Banking Association.

The Fund financing the preparation of project documentation for investment project provides support for and promotion promising project ideas proposed subjects of small business and private enterprise to further the implementation of the priority areas of economic development.

The main tasks of the financing of the Fund project documentation for investment projects

  • competitive selection of project ideas and funding for the development of project documentation in the priority areas of the economy;
  • Assistance in organizing the financing of investment projects by credit institutions of the republic.

Founders of Fund financing of project documentation for investment projects

  • Uzbekistan Banking Association, Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Uzbekistan, banks and non-bank credit and financial institutions.

Selection of project ideas for the preparation of project documentation is carried out on a competitive basis. The main principles of organization of the contest on selection of project ideas are transparency and objectivity in decision-making, creation of equal competitive conditions for all participants of the contest.
To participation in the contest are admitted project ideas, containing technical novelty, as well as the idea of having investment attractiveness and promising integration capability.
The top priorities for the selection of design ideas are the creation of new production facilities, modernization, technical and technological renovation of existing facilities in sectors of the economy.

The steps the organization and holding of the competition

  • reception of project ideas from the subjects of small business and private entrepreneurship;
  • the direction of the submitted project ideas to banks for the preliminary determination of the prospects of the project;
  • selection of the most promising project ideas, which concern identified by banks;
  • announcement of the competition on definition of the project documentation;
  • reception of bids, and the required documents from the participants of the contest on development of the design documentation;
  • estimation of the received bids, definition of the winner of competition and making the results;
  • Assisting initiators of selected project ideas in attracting financing from banks.

Evaluation and competitive selection of projects submitted performed in the following groups of criteria

  • according to the project the idea of the priority directions of social-economic development of the country;
  • the novelty of the proposed technology, the use of advanced developments in project implementation;
  • Economic expediency of introduction of the proposed ideas, increase productivity, increasing production volumes, to improve its quality local raw materials and materials and other.
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